Also everybody you ever thought you would meet was always dead when you got there. Unknown reasons? System Shock 2 had endless respawning enemies and breaking weapons combined with a lot of backtracking in mazelike levels which meant you ended up fighting with a stupid wrench through the same maps over and over again! Which just wasn't fun. In fact, my elevator remains utterly crammed with equipment from the moment I first restore it to functionality. Additionally, I have never once run out of needed tools in SS2. Knocking everyone out leaves you with a non-shooter-run-and-not-gun, boring, empty, no challenge. In Thief, I don't take out any AI (unless it's utterly necessary), I avoid them like you're meant to. I'm a Thief player, so maybe that factors into it, but I like that there are respawning monsters, and I like that the levels are alive and never empty, regardless of firefights. I've honestly never understood this gripe. And it seems they repeated the same exact mistakes with Prey again, regardless of choosing a bad name, just because it was available. Sometimes it is the title and the public social fuss about it (Arkane's "Prey"), sometimes the game is "too complicated" (Looking Glass' first two "Thief" games), sometimes for to me unknown reasons (Irrational Games' "System Shock 2").